3 Tips to Help Your Son or Daughter Survive Dorm Life
As high school comes to an end for many seniors, it’s time to start thinking about how to prepare for their next adventure: college. For many soon-to-be freshmen, going away to school is a completely new experience. If your son or daughter is anxious about what they’re about to encounter in college, here are some helpful tips to read to them. Every millennial loves the Iris Pj set because it’s...
3 Tips to Help Your Son or Daughter Survive Dorm Life
As high school comes to an end for many seniors, it’s time to start thinking about how to prepare for their next adventure: college. For many soon-to-be freshmen, going away to school is a completely new experience. If your son or daughter is anxious about what they’re about to encounter in college, here are some helpful tips to read to them. Every millennial loves the Iris Pj set because it’s...
The History of Sleepwear Trends
Nightgown, nighties, and pajamas; to you, they’re just something you throw on without thinking before heading to bed. But did you know that there’s actually an extensive history surrounding the white cotton pajamas we all know and love? (Source: 1930s Underwear Models) Historic Sleepwear Centuries ago, sleepwear wasn’t the cutest or most comfortable thing on the market. According to mentalfloss.com’s article on changing sleepwear, “from ancient times until...
The History of Sleepwear Trends
Nightgown, nighties, and pajamas; to you, they’re just something you throw on without thinking before heading to bed. But did you know that there’s actually an extensive history surrounding the white cotton pajamas we all know and love? (Source: 1930s Underwear Models) Historic Sleepwear Centuries ago, sleepwear wasn’t the cutest or most comfortable thing on the market. According to mentalfloss.com’s article on changing sleepwear, “from ancient times until...
5 Ways New Moms Can Actually Get Some Sleep
If you just had a baby you probably haven’t gotten a ton of sleep lately. You may be sitting here thinking you’ll never get sleep ever again, but guess what? Sleep is possible! The lack of sleep can largely impact your life. And to get your sleep schedule back on track, there are a few things you can do. The first things you should do are establish a...
5 Ways New Moms Can Actually Get Some Sleep
If you just had a baby you probably haven’t gotten a ton of sleep lately. You may be sitting here thinking you’ll never get sleep ever again, but guess what? Sleep is possible! The lack of sleep can largely impact your life. And to get your sleep schedule back on track, there are a few things you can do. The first things you should do are establish a...