If you just had a baby you probably haven’t gotten a ton of sleep lately. You may be sitting here thinking you’ll never get sleep ever again, but guess what? Sleep is possible!
The lack of sleep can largely impact your life. And to get your sleep schedule back on track, there are a few things you can do.
The first things you should do are establish a regular bedtime routine and try to relax. While it may be hard to get under the covers at the same time every night, getting into a bedtime routine can be beneficial. There are many different relaxation techniques you should start practicing if you want to get a better night’s sleep. For example, you can read a book, go on a walk to clear your head after dinner, fill out a crossword puzzle, or listen to calming music. You may even consider taking a relaxing bubble bath every now and then (if you can). Do anything that will help you wind down that doesn’t involve a screen. So, stay off of the phone and turn off the television and computer.
Even if you rely on soda and coffee to get yourself through the day, this won’t be very helpful while trying to fall asleep. Cut yourself off from stimulants as well as chocolate and energy drinks by mid-afternoon. We recommend having your last cup of coffee at lunch time. Stimulants like these are guaranteed to make falling asleep harder, especially if you indulge in them later in the afternoon.
When your baby is asleep and you’re finally able to get into bed, it can be very hard to switch off your mind. If you find that you’re having trouble trying to get to sleep, don’t get frustrated. Try writing down what might be keeping you awake. You could also try changing up what you’re wearing to bed. If you’re in a pair of sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt, you might not be as comfortable as you think. A white cotton nightgown or white cotton pajamas might be the better option. The great thing about white cotton nightgowns or nighties is that they’re going to keep you warm, yet they’re light enough to be breathable.
Change out your old pjs for something comfortable and cool like the new Natalie PJ set.
Newborns tend to sleep about 10.5 to 18 hours each day. Even though this may seem like a lot of sleep, it can be very hard for a new mom to catch a significant amount of shut-eye. To try and make your sleep experience better, change your sleepwear to cotton PJs and nightgowns, stick to a sleep schedule, and cut back on stimulants and caffeine at least 4-5 hours before bedtime.
The cutest little baby wearing a baby sheep embroidered baby hat from Jacaranda Living. It comes in many designs, choose your favorite here.
Yes, your newborn is adorable, cute and most of the time very needy, but you need to put time aside for yourself too.