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Simple Ways to Stay Comfortable During a Cold

Simple Ways to Stay Comfortable During a Cold

Cold and flu season is upon us, and with it comes the discomfort of being sick. From a runny nose to a sore throat, focusing on anything when your body is under attack can be challenging. However, to get better, you must take care of yourself whenever you feel under the weather. Working through the cold only means you’ll be sick longer. This article will discuss some simple ways to stay comfortable during a cold and get better more quickly.

Stay Hydrated
One of the essential things in life, but especially when you have a cold, is staying hydrated. Drinking plenty of fluids helps to flush out toxins from your body faster and can also help to loosen mucus in your nasal passages. That eases congestion.

When it comes to picking out fluids, there are plenty of options! Water, herbal tea, and hot soup are all great choices to help you stay hydrated when sick. However, caffeine is one thing you should avoid when you’re sick since it can dehydrate you and worsen your symptoms. So, stay in bed, and drink plenty of non-caffeinated drinks. And if you have to drink coffee, go for a decaf version.

Get Plenty of Rest
It’s crucial to get lots of sleep when you’re sick. Sleep is essential for healing because your body requires time to rest. Make sure you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night, and if you’re feeling worn out due to your cold, consider having a nap during the day.

If you have difficulty breathing while trying to sleep because of congestion, or trouble falling asleep for the same reason, consider supporting yourself with some soft pillows. Ensure you also have plenty of tissue boxes and nasal sprays near your bed.

Take a Hot Shower or Bath
Another way to stay comfortable during a cold is to take plenty of hot showers and baths. That can help to relieve cold symptoms and calm your body. Your nasal passageways will feel less congested, and you’ll clear your sinuses. Consider putting some eucalyptus fragrance in your shower or soak it for an even stronger effect.

If you have trouble falling asleep due to congestion and the supporting pillows don’t help enough, take a shower right before bed. That can be a real game-changer.

Use a Saline Nasal Spray
A saline nasal spray will help moisturize your nasal passages and ease congestion. You can use it as frequently as necessary, and it’s a secure and natural method to eliminate cold symptoms. You can also create your saline solution at home by combining 1/4 teaspoon salt with 8 ounces of tepid water, or you can purchase saline solutions already made at your neighborhood pharmacy.

Even after your symptoms have mostly passed, you may still get congestion occasionally, so keep your nasal spray on hand. For example, when you’re moving to a new house after a cold, always carry your meds and nasal spray with you. Moreover, pay attention to your well-being; if you start to get worse, ask for help instead of pushing yourself.

Make Sure You’re Comfortable
As we already said, you need to get rest, and your priority should be to stay comfortable during a cold. That means as comfortable as possible. In other words: you should get plenty of blankets, pillows, and nice comfortable pajamas to sleep in. Being sick doesn’t mean you must wear old clothes or bedsheets. The more comfortable and relaxed you feel, the faster you’ll get better.

Another way to feel more comfortable is to use an air humidifier. That is essential because dry air can worsen your symptoms when you have a cold. Adding humidity to the air and reducing nose congestion are two benefits of using a humidifier. To stop mold and germs from growing in your humidifier, sanitize it frequently.

Gargle with Salt Water
Next to congestion, a sore throat is one of the worst parts of having a cold. But even this problem has a somewhat easy fix. Gargling with salt water can help relieve throat pain and irritation. Gargle for 30 seconds with half a teaspoon of salt and 8 ounces of tepid water before spitting it out. You can repeat this several times each day if you need to.

Ask for Help
There’s no shame in asking for help when you’re feeling sick. Whether this means asking somebody to do the grocery shopping for you, make you soup, or just have someone stick around in case you get worse. All of these are excellent options, and any of your loved ones will volunteer to help if only you give them a chance.

If you had something big planned, like a move, and then you got sick, this can create a problem. However, according to experts at Hansen Bros. Moving & Storage WA, some reputable moving companies will make an expectation and move your moving date if you’re feeling unwell. Just make sure you ask them about it!

Final Thoughts
Even though getting sick with a cold can be unpleasant, taking good care of yourself can make it more tolerable. Staying hydrated, getting plenty of rest, and using home remedies to care for your symptoms are simple ways to stay comfortable during a cold and support your body’s natural healing process. Don’t push yourself or try to work through your cold. That will only result in your cold lasting longer and getting worse over time. Instead, pay attention to your body’s signals. Give yourself all the time and attention you need to recover, no matter how long it takes. Your body and your mind will thank you in the end.

February 12, 2025
Jacaranda Living
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