Search Result for Tooth-fairy Reset

Starting a Tooth Fairy Tradition with Pillows from Jacaranda Living

The Tooth Fairy Tradition is probably the only tradition that actually has TWO national days to recognize it. According to,  It’s celebrated on either February 28th, or August 22nd. If you’ve got a little one in the house who is getting to that age when teeth are starting to loosen and big girl or big boy teeth are coming in, why not start a Tooth Fairy tradition in your...

Starting a Tooth Fairy Tradition with Pillows from Jacaranda Living

The Tooth Fairy Tradition is probably the only tradition that actually has TWO national days to recognize it. According to,  It’s celebrated on either February 28th, or August 22nd. If you’ve got a little one in the house who is getting to that age when teeth are starting to loosen and big girl or big boy teeth are coming in, why not start a Tooth Fairy tradition in your...