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Using Nature-Inspired Design for a More Peaceful Bedroom


Thousands of Americans are dissatisfied with their home’s interior. In fact, only one in five Americans feel happy with their home’s appearance and decor.

Among other rooms, the bedroom is a common cause for concern and discontent among Americans looking to redesign. Cluttered bedrooms with busy and synthetic designs can cause tension and unhappiness, and can even disrupt a good night’s sleep. Having too many harsh, synthetic fabrics and decorations can rob a space of the natural, sleep-inducing mood needed for rest.

Use these design tips for a more natural bedroom and more natural rest:

 Use Natural Fabrics For Linens and Sleepwear

Sometimes, we focus too much on the appearance of a room and forget that a big part of design is how we interact with our other senses, including touch. Incorporating natural fabrics will increase the natural feel and look of the space. Choose fabrics like cotton for your cute pajamas and decorative pillows. Natural linen lampshades, curtains, and blankets will all help the bedroom seem more down-to-earth and simple, a perfect setting for stress-free sleep.

Choose Earth Tones

Colors inspired by nature can also help a bedroom seem more connected to the outdoors and more restful simultaneously. Choose colors like soft greens, mellow browns, and even pale blues for a soothing effect in any room. Don’t forget to bring the color scheme into your master bathroom with matching linen guest towels or an embroidered tissue box cover. Choosing a color scheme that avoids harsh, synthetic tones is a great step towards a restful space.

Include Plants

Not only are plants beautiful, but they also help a room’s air quality. Grow plants that are known for their air filtering properties, like peace lilies or snake plants, for cleaner and more restful breathing.

Simplify Accessories

Sometimes, less is more. Consider going through your bedroom belongings and purging unnecessary items that don’t fit with your new, more natural atmosphere. Consider whether or not you really need dozens of sleeping clothes, or if one or two sets of cute pajamas will suffice. Cutting back on belongings to live minimally will help you keep a clear closet and a clear mind.

A more simple resting space is fairly easy to come by. Focus on natural elements and colors, bring in the outdoors with plants, and purge unnecessary items for a more naturally restful bedroom.

November 13, 2018
Jacaranda Living
Bedroom Decor | November 2018 |
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