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Tips to Make Your New Bedroom Cozier

Tips to Make Your New Bedroom Cozier

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We start and end each day in our bedrooms and spend roughly a third of our lives in them. With that in mind, it’s understandable we want to make this room as warm and serene as possible. If you’ve just moved into your new home and are looking for ways to make your new bedroom cozier, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ve prepared simple tips that will help you transform your bedroom into a restful place.

Ways to make your new bedroom cozier

First of all, congratulations on your new home! A change like that is always exciting! You have the chance to design a space that reflects your personality and fits your needs perfectly. Interior design is always fun, from shopping for beautiful, high-quality sheets to hanging art on the walls.

If you need inspiration, here are our ideas to make your new bedroom cozier. Hopefully, we’ll be able to help you design a perfect space to retreat to after a long day.

Choose colors and materials wisely

Choosing the right colors is crucial in making your bedroom feel warm and cozy. Consider calming and soothing natural tones rather than bright colors that pop. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should keep away from bold patterns. Rather than overwhelming your bedroom, use them as accents. For instance, you can add colorful throw pillows or an embroidered duvet.

One of the ways to make your bedroom feel cozy is to hang art or framed photos on the walls. And wear a 



soft nightie when relaxing!


Create ambiance with lighting

You can’t make your bedroom cozy without proper lighting. For instance, a harsh ceiling downlight shining on you while you’re in your comfy pajamas in bed can make your bedroom feel all but cozy. Therefore, focus on low lights to create an intimate mood.

Lighting is one of the most important aspects of interior design, and if you implement it properly, you can make your new bedroom cozier. Add a cute embroidered tissue box cover next to your night lamp.


The key to creating an intimate mood is incorporating different sources of lighting. Make sure to include soft bedside lamps, and you can even strategically place mounted ceiling lights. Keep in mind that natural light is even more important, so make sure to find ways to enhance it.

Add area rugs

Stepping onto a cold floor after getting out of bed doesn’t really sound cozy. So why not greet your feet with something soft? You have to lay down a carpet – a simple plush area rug can do the trick. Not only will it give your bedroom practical warmth, but it will also add texture to the space. Depending on your bedroom style, perhaps you could try small sheepskin or shag rugs on the sides of your bed.

Minimal is not boring

Adopting a minimalistic approach when designing your bedroom doesn’t mean it will be boring. Many people fear this will happen, so they get carried away with both furniture and decorations and end up with a room that looks cluttered.

If you’ve moved into your new home and don’t have enough room for all of your belongings, the solution isn’t to display them at the cost of your bedroom looking messy. You can listen to the advice of the team from Next Stop Movers, who suggested renting a storage unit. It’s one of the most cost-effective ways to keep your belongings safe and your bedroom neat.

Make your new bedroom cozier without spending money
As you’ve just moved into your new apartment and had to finance your easy and stress-free relocation, you might be struggling with a tight budget. But that doesn’t mean you can’t make your new bedroom cozier. There are ways to do this without spending money.

Make your bedroom a no-tech zone

Make your bedroom a no tech zone. Go to sleep on soft embroidered pillow cases, and a comfy duvet cover from Jacaranda Living. You will wake up feeling refreshed as a jacaranda blossom!


Do you want your bedroom to be your sanctuary and a place where you’re able to fully unplug? Well, you can’t truly switch off if you’re attached to devices such as your smartphone or tablet. Try to make your new bedroom a tech-free zone.

Focus on adding books and natural elements such as house plants or fresh flowers. Make your bedroom a place where you can properly relax. Your social media feed will be waiting for you in the morning.

The bottom line
We hope our tips have helped you make your new bedroom cozier. Now go, put your comfy sleepwear on and enjoy a good night’s sleep.

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