After a long day, there is nothing quite like slipping into your white cotton pajamas and relaxing for the evening. They might have one of the several monogram variations (one to three letters) or they could be plain. Either way, these pajamas are completely yours, and they represent complete comfort.
Everyday wellness is about taking care of yourself and feeling good, everyday — and every night,” By Beth Ricanati, M.D. writes in The Huffington Post. “It doesn’t just mean eating right and exercising. It also means finding small, simple ways to take care of ourselves and feel good about ourselves. And here’s one of the simplest ways out there: Upgrade your pajamas.”
So, what makes a nice pair of pajamas so wonderful?
To start, they are comfortable. There is a reason you turn to your Victorian style nightgown for luxurious sleep. It keeps your body at the right temperature and feels soft on your skin. Leaning back on your boudoir pillow, you can feel at ease while you read, write, or doze off. And when you wake up in the morning, you won’t want to take your pajamas off.
Quality pajamas make you feel luxurious. Your bedroom is your palace. You decorate it how you want and spend your most restorative hours there. There is a reason it’s called “beauty sleep.” You deserve to feel lovely and luxurious while you lounge in your pajamas.
These pieces of clothing also last for a long time. Once you find a white cotton nightgown that you love, you won’t need to give it up or replace it any time soon. By investing in a pair of pajamas rather than settling for a generic brand, you are gifting yourself years of comfortable and luxurious sleep. When you can look and feel your best everyday for years, you can make bedtime the best part of your day.
Whether you are an early riser or night owl, you deserve a Victorian style nightgown or white nightie to spend time wearing. This fabric and style will make you feel beautiful and comfortable, taking your self care routine to the next level.