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Making Tooth Fairy Memories with your Child

Making Tooth Fairy Memories with your Child

We only have them for a brief time period.  We watch them grow, change and move on. But for those memorable moments, we can create shared lasting memories that can be revisited, explored and enjoyed at any time.  One such moment is the loss of a tooth.


Each tooth lost has a story, provides an anchor in time that brings you and your child to that moment of shared intimacy as you place the lost tooth into its packaging specially made for the tooth fairy to find.

Jacaranda has wonderful handmade heirloom tooth fairy pillows for just such a moment.

My eldest child lost his first tooth at six.  He took the loss in stride.  Most of the kids in his first grade class were on their 4th tooth so he knew the drill and was expecting a visit from the tooth fairy. My husband, wanting to make this a memorable experience, went to the store in search of fairy dust.  He came back with glitter infused eye shadow make up and dusted a crisp one dollar bill with the glittery fairy dust.

I was reveled with stories of raised eyebrows from the less bold to the outright questions from shoppers as he stood for at least an hour at the makeup counter testing the eye shadow against his skin looking for the correct luster and shine.  I tried to suppress my amusement as I dubbed him the official family tooth fairy.   We marked the occasion with a picture of the toothless youth with his fairy dusted dollar.

A fairy tooth linen embroidered pillow is a great way to share the moments throughout your Childs school years and becomes a great memory.  Every time you or your child catches a glimpse of the pillow, the memories and feeling will be returned and relived again.  Make lasting memories with a Tooth Fairy Pillow from Jacaranda.

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May 29, 2015
Jacaranda Living
Gifts For Baby | May 2015 |
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