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How Often Should You Change Everything in your Bedroom?

How Often Should You Change Everything in your Bedroom?


Even though it seems as though we are always on the go, we actually spend around 1/3 of our lives in bed. Our beds and bedrooms are our sanctuaries. How well or how bad we sleep affects our entire lives – everything from general happiness to emotional and physical health and well-being. So, it goes without saying that we should give this room a lot of love. And, sometimes, that means changing everything inside. But, how often should you change everything in your bedroom? That is a good question! The answer may vary depending on the items in it. Namely, different things have different life spans! With that said, we are here to help you take care of your bedroom and everything you have inside. Keep on reading to find out more.


How often you need to change everything in your bedroom. The National Health Foundation will tell you to change your pillows every two years. Pillow sellers selling all kinds of pillows on the market will tell you to change them every five to ten years. But, if you ask us, we will tell you that you should change your pillows as soon as you notice that they are losing their support and comfort as sleeping on those can be extremely bad for your head, neck, and spine.

Moreover, you should replace your pillows whenever you notice stains or dirt on them. They can be extremely dangerous for people who have allergies or asthma. To prevent all these health risks from happening, our advice is to wash your pillowcases and covers every week, wash your pillows every six months, and change everything every three years.


Little girls jumping on the bed wearing their white cotton Amelia dress.



We lay directly on our sheets, and because of that, they start to accumulate sweat, oils, dead skin cells, hairs, etc. Of course, all of this can be fixed, and our sheets can look and feel brand new as long as we wash them regularly – once a week. However, we cannot do this forever. Sheets, too, have a life span – around two years. Sheets of greater quality can last even longer if you take care of them properly. But, at the end of the day, how often you should replace your sheets depends on their look – if they look thinned out and scratchy, it is time to buy new ones. Luckily, they are not as expensive as all bedroom items mentioned before, so replacing them should not be a problem.

Decorate your bed with embroidered boudoir pillow covers and bolsters to keep you supported and comfortable while lounging in bed.



We love our blankets as they provide us with comfort and warmth! Most people also feel emotionally attached to their blankets because they had them from an early age or because they were a gift from their parents or grandparents. The good news is that blankets do last for a very long time. If you take care of them properly, they can last for decades. To make sure that happens, have them washed professionally at least once a year when you start preparing for the winter months. And, take them out in the sun during summer, as that will remove any bacteria, dirt, or dust from them.

A good mattress foundation is just as important as your mattress and your PJs. Wearing soft, comfortable pajamas will help.



Just as blankets, we take out our duvets only during colder months. And, because of that, they tend to last a lot longer than sheets or pillowcases, for example. If there are no stains on your duvet, you can keep using it for up to 20 years. But, using a duvet for that long means that you need to take care of it rightly. Doing this is easy, same as blankets. Wash them professionally before every cold season, air them out once a month (when there is a lot of sun outside preferably), and make sure to always keep them in thick duvet covers. In the end, how often you change everything in your bedroom will depend on how well you take care of your belongings.

October 04, 2021
Jacaranda Living
Bed Decor | Bedroom | Bolsters | Cotton | Home Decor | October 2021 | Pillows |
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