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Handmade vs. Custom Made – Gifts for the Holidays to Show You Care

Not everyone is a gifted crafter. Not everyone can bake, or has the time to make embroidered gifts. Sure, we love to receive homemade fudge, or a beautiful knitted sweater or afghan, but these days most people have a tough time finding the time to wrap gifts, let alone make unique items for family and friends.

But if you’re a crafter, and there are definitely a lot of you out there, Jacaranda Living has some great embroidered gift items or blank items to be embroidered that will fit right in with your desire to give something special to those you love. Think it’s too late? Not really.

Embroidered or hand painted items can be beautiful as gifts. Time may be running out to give a completed item by Christmas or Hannukah, but you can order the item and provide your recipient with a picture of the finished product. Then let them know you’ll be working hard during the winter to create their gift.

Embroidered Gifts are Unique and Beautiful

Whether you’re embroidering a cosmetic bag for a friend, or a tissue box for a co-worker, or a pair of slippers for a favorite aunt, Jacaranda Living has a variety of blank pieces ready to embroider that will work perfectly.

large cosmetic bag ready for your embroidery or painting


Not sure where to find the unique patterns that will make your gift the one they treasure? Consider Mary Corbet’s Needle ‘n Thread blog. She’s got great ideas for a variety of designs and even shows you how to use coloring books for inspiration. With so many coloring books out there for adults, you may even be able to ask the person you’re making something for to share their favorite design and you can turn it into an embroidered piece!

Fabric Painting Can Create a Custom Gift to Treasure

If you like painting, why not try fabric painting to create a one-of-a-kind gift for someone special? Look for videos on YouTube that show how to paint flowers, and other designs on bed sheets, scarves, and tablecloths. Jacaranda Living has quality cotton napkins, robes, and pillow cases that would work well for this type of project.

The Perfect Cotton Dinner Napkin


Just search for “one stroke painting” on YouTube to find a wide variety of projects from easy to complex.

Not All of Us are Artistic – Some Ideas for Embroidered Gifts

Not the type to sit and embroider or paint? Don’t worry, Jacaranda Living can still be your path to giving a unique, embroidered gift to treasure for years to come. From baby gifts to bed linens to ladies’ nightgowns and dresses for the little girls in your life, we’ve got a range of embroidered and monogrammed items made of high quality cotton.

A beautiful set for baby with sweet embroidered details


and linen, enhanced with lace and fine details that show how much you care.

Consider a pretty set for the littlest member of your family, perhaps booties, a hat, a bib and a onesie all embroidered with little sheep.


Maybe a sweet cotton springtime dress for a young lady with a love of elephants.

Pretty white dress embroidered with pink elephants


Who doesn’t love a cool cotton boudoir pillow and you can have it embroidered with a wide selection of designs including this pretty Nantucket basket of flowers.

Pretty Boudoir Pillow with flower-filled Nantucket Basket Embroidery


Or put together a picnic basket of goodies featuring these fun lobster embroidered cocktail napkins that would be a hit with anyone who likes to plan an outing with just a bit more flair than the usual.

Lobster embroidered cocktail napkins, the perfect picnic accent


Embroidered linens and handmade gifts show you’ve thought about the person you’re giving to. Whether the gift is something you’ve created, or something you’ve had created just for them. If you’re shopping for gifts and want something personal, consider Jacaranda Living. We’ve got gifts that show people how much you care.


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