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Cozy New Year's Resolutions For Better Sleep


Tossing and turning through the night? While seven to nine hours of sleep is the general recommendation, it can be difficult to get this much shuteye. And when you wake feeling unrested, you likely drag through your day. Well, 2018 is your year to make a change. By committing to getting more sleep, you can make small changes that will make a big difference. Here are some ideas to get you started.

Upgrade your pajamas

Your stuffy old pajamas may make you more uncomfortable than you realize. Upgrade to a white nightshirt or a Victorian style nightgown in a cotton fabric. This will help your skin breathe more comfortably and will make you feel more luxurious as you unwind.

Spray some lavender

Fill a spray bottle with lavender essential oil and spritz it onto your pillow each night. Just the scent of this flower has been found to calm tension and ease you into sleep.

Make your room more comfortable

Do your cluttered room and outdated decor make you anxious? Add some boudoir pillow cases, linen tissue box covers, and other delicate decor to make you more comfortable in this space. You will then be more inclined to feel restful.

Stick to a nighttime routine

Find a nighttime routine that works for you and commit to it. This may include reading, light stretching, a bubble bath, or any other technique to get you relaxed. Set a time each night to start winding down. After a bit, it will become a habit.

Ask your partner to take these steps with you

Committing to better sleep can be difficult when you and your partner are on completely different sleep schedules. Talk to your partner about syncing up so you can both get into bed at around the same time. This will also help keep you both accountable to your routine.

By making an effort to get better sleep, you can also become a better version of yourself. When you feel rested, you will walk through your day more awake, cheerful, and ready for anything that comes your way. From a white nightshirt to a bottle of lavender oil, you may need to try various techniques until you find a combination that works for you. Then you can finally crawl into bed and look forward to true rest.


January 04, 2018
Jacaranda Living
Bedding | January 2018 | Ladies Sleepwear |
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