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7 Tips for a Warm and Cozy Christmas Morning

7 Tips for a Warm and Cozy Christmas Morning

cozy in the Cara nightgown


Whether you care about the religious side of the holidays or not, there’s something sacred about Christmas morning. We mean this in the sense that everyone deserves to be perfectly comfy while enjoying this one day a year, at least. So, here are the seven tips for a warm and cozy Christmas morning so you can organize the perfect day for yourself!

Make plans to stay nicely wrapped up

Of course, if you want a warm and cozy Christmas morning, then you need to make sure you have the right thing to wear! There’s nothing worse than getting up into a room that’s just a little too chilly to be comfortable. It immediately saps away your coziness and makes it impossible to enjoy yourself as much as you otherwise would. It jolts you to wakefulness and chases away those decadent last vestiges of sleep that can make a morning delightfully slow as they naturally fade. Having warm and cozy nightwear is a step in the right direction, but it’s not quite enough to keep the dreadful cold at bay. To complement it, you want to make an additional investment and get one of those blankets you can wear and complete the set! Slip them on while still in bed, and you can start off your day right.

cozy inwhite cotton pajamas on Christmas eve


Leave no work for Christmas morning itself

Of course, if you want to continue having a pleasant day, you must put in some work before Christmas morning. There are few things as horrible as the realization that you still have lingering obligations to worry about. Even little things, such as knowing that you’ll need to pop out later to make a shopping run, can kind of ruin the mood. Simply because it means stepping away from your warm and cozy Christmas morning to face the world. This is to say nothing of major obligations, such as when considering whether you should move before or after Christmas to figure out the right time and, for some reason, decide to move after. This is a horrible idea because it casts a pall of upcoming stress over everything you do during Christmas morning. It is much better to have nothing holding you back from enjoying yourself.

Draw yourself a luxurious bath

What’s more indulgent than taking the time to draw yourself a luxurious bath and enjoy it at your leisure? Very, very few things. However, with the knowledge that you have nothing to do the entire day and that you can dedicate the day to yourself, it is a real treat to do it. You can just kick back in the steamy water, maybe grab a glass of something to drink, and feel the stress and tension draining out of you. It will feel almost wrong to spend all that time just soaking, but it will be well worth it and help set the tone for the rest of your day and the rest of your free days—especially if you slip into a nice, luxurious bathrobe that simply envelops you in its warmth and coziness.

Distract your kiddos

If you have kids, things can get a bit more complicated when planning your ideal warm and cozy Christmas morning. Thankfully, it’s Christmas! This means you won’t have to put in too much effort to distract them and get them to play while you enjoy the rest of your day. You can simply direct their attention back to their gifts when it wavers and encourage them to enjoy themselves, too. You can afford to let them get away with some small mischief on Christmas if it means you, too, get to have the perfect morning. And, hopefully, you’ll have your own cozy gifts to enjoy and try out while lounging on a sofa with a warm cup of chocolate milk or coffee!

it’s much easier than you think to distract your kids.


Lounge in bed a little longer

If some of the other options we laid out don’t really appeal to you that much, you can always choose to lounge in bed! The wonder of Christmas morning is that you don’t need to be active at all. For once, you can sleep in guilt-free. And even if you are awake, there’s no reason you can’t afford to fall to the temptation of your perfectly comfy bed sheets and just stay bundled up. However, we recommend that you prepare something to entertain yourself the day before. Leaving a book, your laptop, and maybe even a snack within easy reach of your bed will let you avoid getting up.

Sleeping in is often one of the best feelings after a stressful period! Wearing Jacaranda Living’s cozy cotton Candy Cane dress in bed.


Spoil yourself a little

Christmas morning is the time to spoil yourself and do things you might not otherwise do. Even if you are a perfect health buff the rest of the year who insists on eating healthy, Christmas can be your cheat day. Buy a box of chocolates, get some greasy, unhealthy food that’s a guilty pleasure for a change, and skip your workout routine. It’s not going to wreak havoc on your discipline and physical condition, making the morning seem all the more like a real treat.

Order some food

Speaking of food, the last of our tips for a warm and cozy Christmas morning is to just order something. This goes double if you have kids. Having to worry about cooking, not to mention the health of the stove and the sweat you’d work up doing it, can be really off-putting. Sometimes, there’s nothing that grounds us and brings us back to our everyday grind, like having to cook. Besides, you’re not the only one who might appreciate the change. Getting to eat pizza or some other delicious ordered food for breakfast will be a novelty for your kids, too.

Final comment

Even with the seven tips for a warm and cozy Christmas morning we put together, there is one final thing that can make this time special: family. So, once your perfect morning is over, make sure to give your loved ones a call.

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